Thursday, December 22, 2005


IT'S ChristmaHanuKwanzaa TIME!!! And in the spirit of the "giving" season I am holding a contest to NAME MY BEARD!!! The winner will be decided and announced on new years eve and will receive a grand prize beyond all of their wildest,wildest dreams. A mint condition,first printing copy of the Dean Schabner book,JAROMIR JAGR (Chelsea House;'98)!!! It's all right here (in LARGE PRINT) (for all of you idiots) in 64 big,bad,lean,mean pages! Loaded with several amazing pictures harking back to the day of the kladno kid's 10/90!!! A compelling story of a czech farmboy's rise to glory in the nhl. Armed with only a hockey stick,two haircuts for the price of one and a picture of Ronald Reagan tucked away in his wallet,Jaromir will stick-handle the strings of your heart and leave you begging for more!!! All you need to do to enter is submit your beard name in a comment to this post! BEST OF LUCK TO YOU ALL!!!


Blogger Foilwoman said...

With a prize like that, who can resist? But what do you name a beard? Please don't tell my guys really name their beards. Except Tom Cruise, his is called Katie Holmes. I'd be more inspired if the prize were a bio of Scott Steven, Bengt Gustaffson, Mario Lemiuex, Rod Langway, or the Great One. But lets see . . . Mimi or Nicole(after Tom Cruise's 1st & 2nd beards, I mean wives). If that's not sufficiently macho, just call it Butch and have done with it. Let me know when the prize is available. Thanks.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

name it 'dirty harry' or 'frankie friction'

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooh, ooh, i got another one. how aboot 'jean-luc the french-canadian tickler'. the book is mine!!!! (i need more fire kindling)

Blogger English Teacher said...

How about "Thor" or maybe "Baby Martin", how about "Thunder the Asunderer" "Scratchy." "Curious George" Then you could be the man in the yellow hat. "Kruggel the corrupter" That would be a great addition for some glamour shots of greg in Rangers gear, especially when Jagr breaks 115. I'll think of some more.

Blogger English Teacher said...

What about Guy Le'Beard, or Jean-Beardtiste or Beardregard the Bold, or St. Beardnard. Lord Beardly perhaps. Alphonse the angry gruff. Emile the Eradicator.

Blogger Jimbo! said... are ON FIRE!!! lol!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about 'harry can't grow a beard because he's not a real man'


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