Monday, December 19, 2005


To trim or not to trim? That is the question. On a recent visit to WalMart I couldn't believe the amount of beard products being thrown at men these days! Trimmers,brush-in colors,etcetera adorned every other aisle cap in the hillbilly haven for cost cuttin' action and all the nascar and hunting supplies you can shake a stick at! I've noticed a growing popularity in facial hair farming and this proves it! It seems as if every guy and his brother is growing a beard! How did this happen?! Who got the ball rolling?! George Clooney?! Jake Gyllenhaal?! Saddam Hussein?! Is this some sort of sick fad for pathetic-assed losers who've grown tired of "hittin' the mall" hoping to score some sweet rags at Hollister before the big kegger?! I don't know how but suddenly I have found myself deep in the middle of "BEARD RUSH 2005!!!". Yelena has been hinting to "tame the chin bush". To my chagrin I must admit that the thought of how popular they are becoming really has got me thinking of trimming down! But what IS selling out? Really. Going with the flow in the middle of the hype? Or trimming down or shaving just to not be a part of it? I made a promise,dammit! No goal,no shave. I intend to stick to it. Thoughts?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeahh, ok, rright, what I need you to do is to go ahead and trim that beard of yours, Ok, yyeahh.


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