Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Try THIS at home...

If you're a Time Warner cable subscriber check out Sportskool (ch. 1173)! On-demand,instructional programs to develop skills on everything from taping a stick to 3 on 1's! It's worth it just to see the cameos Cujo,Adam Graves & Darius Kasparaitis!

Sunday, March 26, 2006


The poll has been closed and the University of North Dakota Fightin' Sioux have won bragging rights to "the best halftime show" in a landslide over the Ohio State University Buckeyes! Thanks to everyone who voted! Remember,there's a fierce competition still going on between Jagr's Sportsbar and Cheli's Chili! It's too close to call. Cast your vote now!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The offseason...

Thursday, March 23, 2006


this is an audio post - click to play

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Hey everyone!

We Need Your Vote Quickly !!!

The fine, tasteful people at BLENDER MAGAZINE are holding a contest for the Best Monkey Song Ever. "Hockey Monkey" (written by The Zambonis and James Kochalka) is among the finalists. We're up against Foo Fighters, Beastie Boys and The Monkees. Were in the home stretch! Forward this to your closest 1000 friends and tell 'em to throw some votes our way. Thanks


Click on the link below and find the contest toward the bottom right of the page (under the Dave Chapelle cover).


  • Also,click on the LISTEN TO HOCKEY MONKEY link on your left to hear the song or watch the video!!!

    Have an ice day,

    The Zambonis
    ._/ \_.

    Friday, March 17, 2006


    Thursday, March 16, 2006


    I met up with FSN/Columbus Blue Jackets play-by-play commentary guru Jeff Rimer today! Fresh off of a road loss to the Chicago Blackhawks, Rimer wanted to pass on his support to the AOD hockey team in their final two games of the session and a last gasp attempt to secure an elusive 4th place position that would enable the team a playoff berth! "GO AOD!"

    Sunday, March 12, 2006

    You call that a halftime show?

    I was born in Grand Forks,North Dakota and I'm proud of my UND Fighting Sioux hockey! As far as I know there were never any riots over some piss-ant college football game. It was not a "football town with a drinking problem". In fact,I think the only football that was ever on tv were the Minnesota between North Stars games,of course. It was cold there. But you knew it was going to be cold. None of this 60 degrees one minute and 10 degrees the next and all the bronchitis that goes along with it. (My dad said there were outlets on the parking meters in downtown grand forks so you could plug your electric dipstick in and your engine wouldn't freeze.) There was no slush. It was cold and clear and you could count on ice skating and pond hockey. And not only deers would stroll up in your back yard...sometimes a bison would too! Which brings me to my conundrum regarding all the pride with OSU and it's football program. You call that a halftime?! It's just a frickin' nut in a sweater jumping around and waving a flag. Check out the cheer team at UND...on SKATES...with LASERS AND SMOKE...and,I'm sure,some techno music. Take the latest heard.

    Saturday, March 11, 2006

    Bear crashes hockey game, mom saves kids

    IVUJIVIK, Quebec — Lydia Angyiou's kids sure won't be giving her much trouble any more, now that they've seen her wrestle a 700-pound polar bear.
    Angyiou lives in Ivujivik, a village of 300 people on the shore of Hudson Bay in northern Quebec.
    One Wednesday evening earlier this month, Angyiou was walking near the village community center with her two sons when a group of children playing street hockey nearby started shouting and pointing frantically.

    Angyiou, 41, turned around and saw a polar bear sizing up her 7-year-old son.
    She told the children to run and raced around to get between the bear and her son. Then she started kicking and punching the animal, according to police reports.
    In a flash, the bear swatted her in the face and she fell on her back. With the bear on top of her, Angyiou began kicking her legs in a bicycle-pedaling motion. She was swatted once more and rolled over, but the bear moved toward her again.
    Siqualuk Ainalik heard the commotion and came rushing over. Seeing Angyiou wrestling with the bear, he ran to his brother's home, grabbed a rifle and headed back to the street. He fired a few warning shots.
    The sound diverted the bear's attention from Angyiou just long enough for him to aim and fire again. According to police, Ainalik fired four shots into the bear before it finally died.
    With the help of some neighbors, Angyiou made it to the home of Nelson Conn, a constable with the Kativik Regional Police Force.
    "She came in in a panic," Conn recalled. "She was obviously in shock. She was saying, 'Bear, bear.' I just took her over to our nursing station and I asked where and if the bear was dead. She said, 'Yes.'"
    Remarkably, Angyiou suffered only a couple of scratches and a black eye. She and the local police have been fielding calls from across Canada ever since the incident was first reported last week in the Nunatsiaq News.
    Meanwhile, villagers are still marveling at her courage, and there is talk of nominating her for a bravery medal.
    "I've been here 24 years and I've never seen this before," said Larry Hubert, a regional captain with the police force who arrived on the scene just after the bear was shot. "For sure, she saved the kids' lives."
    Hubert has known Angyiou for 15 years and he can't believe she took on a bear. He said the bear measured eight feet in length and weighed at least 700 pounds.
    Angyiou "is about 5-foot-nothing and 90 pounds on a wet day," Hubert said with a laugh. "She's pretty quiet. I'm surprised she went and did this.
    "But I guess when your back is up against the wall, I guess we come up with super-human strength."
    Ivujivik is Quebec's northernmost community, situated on a peninsula where the Hudson Bay meets the Hudson Strait.
    While polar bears roam the giant ice packs that float just off shore, Hubert said it's rare for them to wander into the village. He said he believes the bear that tangled with Angyiou became disoriented and was not looking for food.
    "She's lucky the bear wasn't hungry," he said. "If the bear was hungry, she would have been eaten pretty quickly."
    Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service.

    Monday, March 06, 2006




    The AOD held it's first annual BLUE & GREEN game on 3/5/06! The intra-team game welcomed back several familiar friends and faces and was simply a wonderful night of hockey. The spirited game included lots of end to end action,a sound system playing all the usual hockey/jockjams in between the play and an all-out brawl out at the end including a Hextall-esque goalie fight!!! It was a 10-7 green team victory that ended with several laughs,libations and drinking from the "cup" at team sponsor Andyman's Tree House afterwards.

    Ice hockey megastar Jagr makes "acting debut" in Czech Television serial

    Jaromir Jagr, perhaps the most successful Czech ice hockey player of all time, has just taken a break from training ahead of the new season to try his hand in a new profession: acting. However, his role in a Czech Television serial shouldn't be too taxing for the megastar forward: he is playing himself.
    "Posledni sezona" ("Final Season") is the name of a new drama serial being made for Czech TV by actor Martin Dejdar, in which he plays a fading ice hockey star whose career is coming to a close.
    In the first episode Dejdar's character appears in a game featuring several real-life stars, including Jiri Slegr, Martin Straka - and Jaromir Jagr. Jagr flew to Liberec for Tuesday's shoot from Switzerland, where he is at a training camp with Russian club Omsk. The Kladno-born star joked that he had received permission after telling the club's management he was going to make a "hit film".
    It won't be Jagr's first time on screen: his former club Pittsburgh Penguins featured in the 1995 film Sudden Death starring Jean Claude van Damme, although the team merely appeared in the background during an action scene. The toothy player has also appeared in a television advertisement for chewing gum.
    But Tuesday's shoot at Liberec's Tipsport Arena was Jagr's first time speaking on camera. He said afterwards he didn't know if the director was satisfied with his performance, although the fact he didn't have to repeat his scene too many times was probably a good sign.
    Jaromir Jagr is 33 and it surely won't be too long before he is facing his own "final season". Would he consider a new career as a thespian? Not likely: Jagr said his acting debut would also be his last time in front of the cameras. (Source:RADIO PRAHA)

    Now,that's just SICK!

    I have this theory...stop me if I'm wrong...but it seems that both the AOD and the hometown Columbus Blue Jackets have been "streaky" all season long. A strange parallel,really,when you think about it. If memory serves me well every time the Blue Jackets have played poorly the AOD have played well. At times while the Jackets have managed to gel and put a few wins together the the AOD can't seem to "click". It is my belief that the Columbus Blue Jackets are sucking the souls or "positive energy" out of innocent victims to use for their own personal gain! Probably through some kind of skin to skin contact.....shaking the hands of their fans and so on. Or maybe a little fancier like those "dementors" in that Harry Potter movie or that evil Egyptian,soul-sucking mummy in Bubba Ho-Tep. Take the inserted picture for example. This poor bastard didn't even know it was coming! This was taken at a local hospital in late december! They probably went all up and down all the local hospitals just feeding on the innocent!!! Kneeling over their naive victims,grabbing hold and sucking that little ball of goodness and energy and light out of their trembling,weary body! And as you recall they did put that incredible month of hockey together shortly after in january! Simultaneously the AOD dropped a couple of games they really should have won! Coincidence? I think not! That is why I am going on the record here and I am strongly urging all residents of columbus to STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THESE SOUL & KARMA FEEDING FREAKS!!! Don't go to the games! Don't go to the stupid,little hockey fests! And for godsakes when you see Marc Denis buying a marble mocha macchiato in starbucks don't go up and shake his hand and tell him it's nice to meet him!!! And if you do...if you absolutely have to...WEAR GLOVES!!! This guy's a soul sucker! Remember?! That's how they do it!!! By touching you! Or by looking you in the eyes. Or by opening their mouth and just sucking your soul out of your nostrils or mouth or eyes...I can't figure it out just yet. Remember that,kids!

    Friday, March 03, 2006

    Misery loves company...

    Since I'm doubtful for the Blue & Green game I've decided to pack up my bags and go toss back a few with fellow "groiners" in the czech republic! I'll tell Jag's and Hasek that you all said,"Ahoj".

    Thursday, March 02, 2006

    Adductor brevis

    MTV's coming out with an animated series inspired by my groin injury. Brevis & Butthead. It's about a guy who injures his groin and blows it before the big game. Then has to sit home with huge bags of ice and frozen vegetables on his elevated leg & groin to reduce the swelling just so he can stand up. Watch for it this fall!

    Wednesday, March 01, 2006

    Sideways splits,Sasha Cohen style!

    That's not an eight. It's my groin.