Thursday, December 29, 2005


Guess who's been checking out the ol' JIMMYWORLD website?! DAVE FROM THE ZAMBONI'S!!! "Hey Jim,I love your site and your whole deal. Dave here from The Zambonis. We will be recording here in CT and getting ready to put out our greatest hits cd in Canada. Thanks for the link on your site and have a great day!" If you haven't checked them out yet you need to do that RIGHT NOW!!!


DISCLAIMER:I'm really not an america basher...just thought this was funny.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


December 26th was boxing day! And to celebrate with all my canuck brothers and sisters out there I present my boxing day gift to you! This beautiful picture of veteran Bill Flett!

Monday, December 26, 2005


Hey all! I've added some mini-polls for you to enjoy! They should be located next to links from time to time! Check 'em out!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Brushes with celebrities!!!

It's a true story. I manage a store at a big,local mall. Most days are your average degredation that comes along with being the manager of a retail establishment. Then some days are the kinda thing that dreams are made of. If you're a hockey fan.
A lot of hockey players come to easton town center and in the year and a half that I've worked there I've met Sergei Zubov,Mike Modano,Dan Fritsche,Jody Shelley,Chris Chelios,Adam Graves,Brian Leetch,Marc Denis,Tyler name a few. This past monday I met two ore blue jackets in a period of 10 minutes.
This tall,goofy guy walks in with some random,blonde,big-boobed bimbo and I greet them,"how's it goin'?" I go on w/ my work as we were very busy. As the guy walked around the back of the store and came up on me (walking back towards the front of the store) I recognized him.
"Rick Nash?"
He took a long look at me and reluctantly replied,"Yeahhhhhh." What? He was afraid he was going to be mobbed?
"When you coming back and playing?"
"I don't know. Couple of weeks. Hopefully."
"Looks like you're getting around ok." He shot me a pissy look.
"Yuh...well...walkin'...skatin'...two different things."
We just nodded at each other. He leaned over and whispered something to the bimbo.
As he continued to walk through my store I followed behind him and moved racks away from him (as if I didn't want him to run into them or touch them). I think it confused him b/c he didn't know if I was actually WORKING or doing it to be a smart-ass. Lol.
As he was leaving I put my arm out (like,"whoa!") and pointed to the corner edge of the door and said,"hey! alright! be careful,rick! alright?"
He was not amused. At all.
(From a friend of mine!) There is nothing more gratifying than bizarre brushes with celebrities. I was drunk making obscene hand gestures towards the butt of this cute blonde at last years frozen four, when I turned to see Jody Shelley staring at me. He just smiled at me and went over to the girl and put his arm around her.Oops! Fun stuff.

Merry beardmas!

Thursday, December 22, 2005


IT'S ChristmaHanuKwanzaa TIME!!! And in the spirit of the "giving" season I am holding a contest to NAME MY BEARD!!! The winner will be decided and announced on new years eve and will receive a grand prize beyond all of their wildest,wildest dreams. A mint condition,first printing copy of the Dean Schabner book,JAROMIR JAGR (Chelsea House;'98)!!! It's all right here (in LARGE PRINT) (for all of you idiots) in 64 big,bad,lean,mean pages! Loaded with several amazing pictures harking back to the day of the kladno kid's 10/90!!! A compelling story of a czech farmboy's rise to glory in the nhl. Armed with only a hockey stick,two haircuts for the price of one and a picture of Ronald Reagan tucked away in his wallet,Jaromir will stick-handle the strings of your heart and leave you begging for more!!! All you need to do to enter is submit your beard name in a comment to this post! BEST OF LUCK TO YOU ALL!!!


See,I'm changing the world! Lol. Enjoy the following letter/links emailed to me recently courtesy of of the National Beard Registry!

Dear Registrant,Congratulations!Your picture has been posted to the National Beard Registry. You may proudly send this link to your friends and family and other men with beards who may enjoy registering. You may also update your picture twice per year. Thank you for registering, your participation will no doubt change the world. May You Experience Universal Peace and Love. Check out our cool T-Shirts, bumperstickers, and certificates to help support our web fees! Look at the T-shirts!

Monday, December 19, 2005


this is an audio post - click to play


To trim or not to trim? That is the question. On a recent visit to WalMart I couldn't believe the amount of beard products being thrown at men these days! Trimmers,brush-in colors,etcetera adorned every other aisle cap in the hillbilly haven for cost cuttin' action and all the nascar and hunting supplies you can shake a stick at! I've noticed a growing popularity in facial hair farming and this proves it! It seems as if every guy and his brother is growing a beard! How did this happen?! Who got the ball rolling?! George Clooney?! Jake Gyllenhaal?! Saddam Hussein?! Is this some sort of sick fad for pathetic-assed losers who've grown tired of "hittin' the mall" hoping to score some sweet rags at Hollister before the big kegger?! I don't know how but suddenly I have found myself deep in the middle of "BEARD RUSH 2005!!!". Yelena has been hinting to "tame the chin bush". To my chagrin I must admit that the thought of how popular they are becoming really has got me thinking of trimming down! But what IS selling out? Really. Going with the flow in the middle of the hype? Or trimming down or shaving just to not be a part of it? I made a promise,dammit! No goal,no shave. I intend to stick to it. Thoughts?

Friday, December 16, 2005

SEPARATED AT BIRTH? (update 12/15!)

Dillinger...with two L's. And Jimmy...with two M's. If they weren't on the same line at times it'd be downright odd. Feel free to discuss.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Everyone needs to get off their ass and get down to the CORH rink tomorrow (12/15) night @ 7:35 to see the beard in action and the season final versus ROLL WID IT!!! I promise to be sporting my new coife as well. More details at:

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


No more standing in line at Blue Jacket games waiting to pee! No more fighting the crowds,crying children,ducking between aimless wanderers and dodging stampeding concession stand goers. You can drink as much as you want,stay right in your seat and never miss a minute of the action! Enjoy!

UPDATE 12/12!

Oh,I'm a member alright!

Monday, December 12, 2005


Hey,they can't all be winners!

Friday, December 09, 2005


We're not insinuating anything...but there's a lot of speculation going on. And did you ever notice that you never see Russell Crowe and Jim Stiers in the same place at the same time? Just creepy. This photo of Jim was snapped as he is enjoying his week off from AOD hockey by ice fishing in alaska.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


O.k....this is gonna get a little weird now...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Apparently word spreads pretty fast around the Blue Jacket community. Hot off the heels of a Manny Malhotra cameo I was visited by none other than BJ's all-time points leader David Vyborny! He concurred that the beard sported by tough guy Jody Shelley (in it's bushy hey-day) paled in comparison to that of the pint-sized,feisty AOD center/winger Jim Stiers. At least,that's what we think he said. He sort of just muttered something in czech and ran off. But,hey...we'll TAKE it!

Monday, December 05, 2005

UPDATE 12/5!!! BONUS!!!

Mmmm. Beer. Mmmm...beard.


You heard it right,y'all! And right from the horses mouth too! Word about the great Jim "#18 in your program,#1 in your heart" Stiers' hockey beard is spreading like wildfire and Columbus Blue Jackets forward Manny Malhotra had to stop by and check it out for himself!!! What did the bewildered grinder have to say about it? "It's better than Shelley's." Ohhhhh,yeahhhhhhh.
(Left:A pissed off Jody Shelley! Right:Me,the BEARD and my m'man Manny Malhotra!)

Sunday, December 04, 2005

UPDATE 12/4!!!


Saturday, December 03, 2005

No's still here...

You read it goal. How many pussies do you see in this picture?

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Boys of WInter (PT. 4)

Next game sunday,december 4th! (Feel free to leave comments...I feel like i'm in siberia over here. lol.)

The Boys of Winter (PT. 3)

Ass spankin'? No goals,an assist and a busted lip.

The Boys of Winter (PT. 2)

A sensitive captain...and a breakaway (Brad/Jim)!!!

The Boys of Winter (PT. 1)

A beard update...and a win over BLACK HOLE!!!

UPDATE 11/30!!!

The night before the big game! (sigh...)